Wednesday 12 March 2014

GUYS; 5 ways to succeed at work today

Thanks to crazy schedules, it sometimes becomes way too much to focus and give your best at work. And whoever said that there is no shortcut to success, was indeed right. It does take a lot of effort to find your way to becoming successful in life.

Therefore, setting a goal, making a to-do-list and taking some time off to do something for yourself are some of the ways to succeed at the workplace. Take a look at how they can help you get ahead in life.

1. Set a Goal

Yes set a goal that will enhance your performance at work and the productivity of your team or the people you work with. Declare these goals to the people who you feel will support you, and take credit whenever it is due. Don’t feel shy to put your name on it when you know that you contributed to the progress of a project. If you don’t, someone else will.

Take responsibility for your results and efforts, but don’t blame yourself when things don’t turn out the way you want.

In any circumstance, we are either taking responsibility or we are looking to place blame on someone or something. When the thing is positive, we call it taking credit or giving credit, when it is negative, we call it blame.

How often do you see someone succeed and hear someone else saying, see…I told him to take that shop. I encouraged her to take that course. I introduced them to each other. I, I, I…..How easy it is to “take responsibility” for things that go right for others. When they go right for ourselves many of us say, it was luck, it is all God’s doing, it was meant to be. We dodge the credit, for fear of seeming too arrogant. And when it is for ourselves and shows undesirable results, we are very quick to point fingers and find something to blame, a habit we learned as kids.

As kids we are trained to blame. When the glass window is shattered, parents or maids would come running into the room to say “Who did that?” and we would all start pointing our fingers at each other, scared of punishment. Even Shaggy sang, “It wasn’t me”!

Taking responsibility is freeing
 while blaming is disempowering, we gave the power of it to someone or something else. We can take on an extreme perspective where we take responsibility for everything, including the weather. If you find this too challenging to take on straight away, an easy medium is to take on the perspective of being the accomplice. So, decide now that everything that you experience – you were an accomplice. You contributed to the situation. Taking responsibility will instantly grow your self-efficacy. You will be able to attribute your wins to your effort and abilities and you will be able to learn when things don’t go the way you planned. It also helps you to look at the whole situation and plan better, because now you are responsible for it going well.

Make a to-do list every Monday - Of the tasks that need to be completed, put them in order of Urgent, Important and Want to do. Keep your declared goal in mind when doing so. Often the work needed on your declared goal may fall into the Important and Want to do categories, that is why it is important that you do complete a few tasks from each list every day. The Urgent ones need to get done, and if you can, delegate parts of it to someone else, and ensure that you get back to review before you actually submit or apply it.

Work through the Urgent ones first and make sure you do your part. I like to say, do your part and serve it over to the other court as soon as you can. If it needs to be negotiated, thought upon and discussed, you have created the opportunity early in the week for this to occur. Work through Important and Want to dos only after you have attended to Urgents.

2. Commit time daily at home

Spend some time to research, read and learn, and involve yourself in some kind of personal development. This is to look through things that you don’t get time to do during the workday. This should be study about the industry, national and international competition. For personal development, you could look at going for a self-actualisation workshop, hiring a personal coach or simply reading some good books. Commit at least 24 hours a month to your personal growth.

3. Automate, eliminate and delegate whatever you can

In order to do this, you have to have a strong understanding of yourself and your team. I have listed a few tests you can consider to do this. If it is your own business, find ways to automate some of the processes. Speak to your web developer or even brainstorm with your employees. Look for things that you really don’t need and eliminate them. Delegate means to trust that someone else has the ability to do a job well.

4. Clean up your e-mail inbox, desktop and desk

Do this every evening before you leave. This reduces your visual clutter and helps you to truly focus one by one on the tasks in your to-do list. Go shopping for an in and out tray and make sure there are no lose pieces of paper or documents lying around. Do the same on your desktop. Sort through your e-mails and put them in folders. Getting organised will help you be more productive.

5. Keep distractions to a minimum and meetings short and straightforward.

Yes, we all need a little bit of fun during the day, planning the weekend, jokes, being light, but create a structure for this so that it does not seep through into your focus on the workday. Open a new e-mail account for your friends to send you jokes and try to keep work e-mails strictly work. During meetings, take responsibility to keep time and leave when you have to go. KISS – Keep It Short and Simple.


Read more in iDiva

via 247naijagossip

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