Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Muslim man gets 11 years jail after burning Bible

Muslim man received a harsh prison sentenced after he burned the Bible, according to court proceedings in Egypt.

The Islamic preacher, who is known in Egypt for his hate speeches against Coptic Christians, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for burning a Bible in front of the U.S. embassy during a protest against an anti-Islam movie, last year.

An Egyptian court in Cairo sentenced Ahmed Abdullah on Sunday for insulting religion and for burning of a Bible. He was also fined 3,000 Egyptian pounds, or about $430.

Abdullah's son was sentenced to eight years in prison and a fine of 2,000 Egyptian pounds, or $286 for his role in the Bible burning.

Abdullah publicly burned the copy of the Bible as part of a protest against the anti-Islam movie "Innocence of Muslims". The movie was produced in the United States by a Coptic Christian of Egyptian origin, and raised anti-American protests in the Muslim world. Abdullah also announced that he planned to send his grandson to urinate on the Bible.

The decision was a surprise to many, since the Egyptian courts are heavily biased towards Islamists.

via 247naijagossip

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