Monday 13 May 2013

The best place in the world to be a mother is...? Read to find out!

Finland is the best place in the world to be a mother, according to Save the Children's 14th Mothers' Index. The US, (where most Nigerians run to) is ranked 30th, while our beloved Nigeria is ranked's in the bottom 10. *sigh*

The index ranked countries according to 5 indicators of a mother's well-being: 1. Maternal health (the risk of maternal mortality); 2. Children's well-being (the mortality rate of children under five); 3. Educational status (number of years of formal schooling a woman receives); 4. Economic status (gross national income per capita); and 5. Political status (the participation of women in national government). See the top 10 and bottom 10 after the cut...

Top 10

1. Finland

2. Sweden

3. Norway

4. Iceland

5. Netherlands

6. Denmark

7. Spain

8. Belgium

9. Germany

10. Australia

Bottom 10

167. Cote d'Ivoire

168. Chad

169. Nigeria

170. Gambia

171. Central African Republic

172. Niger

173. Mali

174. Sierra Leone

175. Somalia

176. Democratic Republic of the Congo

via LindaIkeji

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