Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Queen Beatrix of Netherland abdicates; hands crown to first son

75 year old Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands abdicated today April 30th after 33 years as queen and handed over her thrown and crown to her eldest son at a ceremony that held on the balcony at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. 46 year old Willem-Alexander will be the first King of the Netherlands since 1890. The former queen will now be addressed as Princess Beatrix.

Imagine 86 year old Queen Elizabeth of England handing over her crown to Prince Charles! That will be the day! Hehe. See more photos after the cut...

Queen Beatrix signs the act of abdication next to her son Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and his wife Crown Princess Maxima

Queen Beatrix passes the act of abdication to her son Crown Prince Willem-Alexander

via LindaIkeji

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