Thursday, 26 December 2013

Father Christmas Robs A Florida Bank.

A bank robber disguised as St. Nick held up a Florida bank by threatening to harm the teller with a gift-wrapped package, WPTV reported.

The thief, wearing a Santa hat, beard, white gloves and sunglasses, fled with an unspecified amount of money from a SunTrust Bank in Port Orange on Monday, WJXT reported.

The package in red wrapping paper was placed on the counter and the bad Santa passed a note implying that it contained something dangerous, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

The evil Kris Kringle walked out with cash and left the package in the bank.

Police evacuated the branch and called in the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office bomb squad, according to the Daytona Beach News Journal. Although they wouldn’t reveal what was inside the box, officials said it was harmless, the Sentinel said.

via 247naijagossip

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