Wednesday 15 May 2013


“When we saw their petition, we thought it was important but we realized they were just recently hired by an agent of anti-progress”.

In response to the above allegations leveled against the Yabactech Rector which was published on May, 6th 2013, by Premium Times (Northern Print Media). It was obviously full of lies and baseless issues that need to be addressed within the school premises.

Our attention has being drawn to the Yabatech lingering matter as a result of our consciousness and conversant with activities of the Rector in person of Dr. Mrs. K. Ladipo. After going through the online allegations leveled against her, we found out that there are some idiotic and shared myopic insinuated fellows who has been going about defacing the institution’s integrity and image; it has built over the years. Yabatech students and the entire community at the institutions in conjunction with National Association of Nigerian Students have regarded the allegations as a baseless one.

Obviously, the people involved are those who should be go about their normal business as paid staffs but diverted to be agents of anti-progress. In our findings the following people should be called to order by the management because their hands are not clean regards to the published allegations.

- Mr. Olu Ibirogba - College Bursar

-Miss Biekoroma Amapkakabo – The College Registrar

-Engr. Alayode – The College Director of Works and Services

The above mentioned persons have personal issues with the Rector which should be addressed personally without defacing and stabbing the image of the college.

The College Bursar in person Mr. Olu Ibirogba who revealed details that has to do with travelling allowances and grants for taken care of the College guests did so to stabled the Rector on personal ground not in the interest of the College. He framed a lot of lies against the Rector. Well, Yabatech students are too conscious to be fooled, he black-mailed the Rector.

We wonder, why he could not reveal the details that has to do with progress of the College, also ongoing constructions, welfare of the students and staffs, maintenance at the sport complex etc.

We also observed that whenever the Students’ Union, NANS, Cadet & Man O’ War and any other students body request are found with the approval of the Rector, the Bursar always declined and questioned the order of the Rector.

On the part of the College Registrar in person of Miss. Biekoroma Amapkakabo who has failed to discharge her duties diligently. She recently published 2012 post UMTE for this year current 2013 without proper verification and allowed JAMB to conclude their examination and thereby confusing the general public towards Yabatech’s Administration with her negligence.

She also recently issued a false recommendation letter for a junior staff to represent the College at the Civil Service club (an organization meant for senior staff) to vye for the post of Chairman which is meant for a Senior staff.

The College Director of Works and Services in person of Engr. Alayode who reported issues related to 1.5 MVA & 650 KVA Generators did so on personal ground as well. When he was contacted by Premium Times on the issue, he declined as if he knew nothing about the generators. Engr. Alayode has never listened to students calls on the issue related to their welfare (water, light, condusive atmosphere readings, condition of our hostels etc) he also joined the blatant liers to condemn the image of the College.

Originally, the generators were brought to the College for students to aid their study period during examination and for pumping water within the College community not for personnel use of the Rector, so why the lies?

Based on the above, we hereby warn you all because we cannot fold our arms and allow you to damage the image of the College, we wonder maybe you lack the historical antecedent of the College that is why you all descend so low by allowing your individual offices to be insinuated against the Rector.

Furthermore, we shall not decline to deal with you one after the other if we observe further publication(s) against the College.


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